A statement of correction on misinformation by the troll Oliver Smith (and brother/s?)

The short and skinny: I have never been paid by Rome Viharo to edit any website. The only paid writing I have done for Rome is for a business plan in 2010, and even then I was not paid directly by Rome but as a sub-contractor of the client whom Rome engaged to manage the writing.

The long, boring details: Why is this statement necessary? Because the malicious internet troll, Oliver Smith (and brother/s?), going under various pseudonyms (see here and here for details of this troll's activities), is claiming publicly in multiple places that I edited for money various websites on Rome's behalf - websites such as RationalWiki and Wikipedia We Have A Problem. I wouldn't bother to deal with this misinformation were it not for the fact that it reflects badly on Rome.

So, where did this claim come from? Did Oliver (and brother/s?) make it up out of whole cloth? Not exactly. He engaged me in a PM (private messaging) conversation on a forum that I help to administrate, Psience Quest. At the time, he was impersonating the RationalWiki editor, Leuders, and none of us admins had yet realised his true identity, of which we now have proof. It seemed like an innocent set of questions that he posed, so I answered openly and honestly. Here's the exchange so you can see for yourself, (fully) quoting only my response message since it quotes everything in Oliver-masquerading-as-Leuders's original message:

Oliver-masquerading-as-Leuders Wrote:

Sorry to ask you this, you do not have to reply if you do not want to.

On Rationalwiki were you the person a few years ago trying to get Rome Viharo's article deleted?

Yes, that was me.

Oliver-masquerading-as-Leuders Wrote:

Are you Rome Viharo?


Oliver-masquerading-as-Leuders Wrote:

Or an associate of Viharo?

A personal friend. We met through a mutual (forum) friend, I did some paid writing for him, and we have maintained amicable contact on and off since then (more off than on in recent times unfortunately).

The paid writing to which I referred was that in 2010 for the business plan that I mentioned in the introduction.

Why is Oliver spreading misinformation about me, pretty much an internet nobody? Presumably because (1) I outed him as the likely culprit behind a series of sock-puppets on Psience Quest and confirmed when we had proof that he was, indeed, the culprit, and (2) I support Rome, whom Oliver has been targeting for several years now.